Do you know, before placing an order with us, you're able to check when will your order be ready for pickup or shipped? We totally understand the time and needs in getting your printing done before your due-date. Therefore, we have created a system that will help you plan better in getting your print out done in time!

Here are simple ways of getting correct estimation date on when you're able to do self pickup or order being shipped.

  1. In every product page, all customers are able to see our price calculator.
  2. Make selection of your desired specification, quantity, and process duration.
  3. Scroll down until you see "Estimated Collection Date & Shipping Cost" section and select your state.
  4. Click on "Calculate".
  5. A few selection will appear in "Select Shipping / Self Pickup Options".
  6. Choose your prefered method either self pickup or shipping.
  7. Our system will automatically indicate your "Estimated Collection / Ship Out Date".

To have a better understanding on how we calculate our process duration, please click on this direct link.

Please take note that different product types will have different quantity, selection variables and process duration in our price calculator.