We Provide A Printing Service


Users are required to create your files based on the output size that users wants.

For instance, if you require 2 x 5 feet bunting size, during creating your artwork, it must be 2 x 5 feet (24 x 60 inch) size as well.

Failing to do so will lead to delay in your production completion days.

We will check your artwork base on 2 elements (Actual size & safe zone size). We deserve the rights to reject any given artwork that do not follow our printing specification, and you will need to re-upload the modified artwork again for us.

  • Finished artwork should use the full bleed dimensions for best results.
  • Embed all images.
  • Only use 300dpi resolution images. (Lower resolution photos will lead to low quality printing).
  • Create outlines on all text that is used in your design.
  • Please make sure to keep all text within the safe margin.
  • Resolution: 100 dpi. (For Banner & Bunting only)
Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Zone Line
Safe Zone Line

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